100-Minute Long-Play: Lone Survivor

100-Minute Long-Play: Lone Survivor

Gamescom 2012: ZombiU to feature online community too

Gamescom 2012: ZombiU to feature online community too

‘Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient’ announced with a trailer

‘Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient’ announced with a trailer

Gamescom 2012: New Resident Evil 6 trailer focuses on the drama

Gamescom 2012: New Resident Evil 6 trailer focuses on the drama

Gamescom 2012: Aliens Colonial Marines newest development trailer focuses on tension & mood

Gamescom 2012: Aliens Colonial Marines newest development trailer focuses on tension & mood

Honorable Mention in Horror: Touch My Katamari

Honorable Mention in Horror: Touch My Katamari

New Resident Evil: Retribution posters and stills released

New Resident Evil: Retribution posters and stills released

Gamescom 2012: Some more Book of Memories screens to look at

Gamescom 2012: Some more Book of Memories screens to look at

gamescom 2012: New Resident Evil 6 Chris gameplay video

gamescom 2012: New Resident Evil 6 Chris gameplay video

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