Resident Evil Reboot: Leon in Costume, New Set Photos


The steady drip-feed of footage, photos, and information continues to go directly into my veins as a new bunch of set photos from the new Resident Evil movie reboot have appeared on Twitter. We’ve already seen a ton, largely the exterior R.P.D. facade (which is practically 1:1 with the Resident Evil 2 Remake version of the building), but we’ve also gotten looks at Lisa Trevor’s performer practicing for the role and distant looks at some of the other locations. Today, we’ve got even more to check out, starting with our first look at Avan Jogia in-costume as Leon Kennedy!

Taking to Tik-Tok, Jogia gave us looks at Leon in both his R.P.D. blues and his R.P.D. riot gear. both are a little hard to see (especially the riot gear), but I’m diggin’ what I’m seeing!

@avan.jogia♬ original sound – Avanjogia

@avan.jogiaReply to @oliversmanure

♬ original sound – delf 🙂

A little surprised they seem to just be going for his natural hair rather than at least dying it blond, although he could be wearing a wig for shooting and just taking it off for these clips. The last time we had a live-action Leon on-screen, he looked pretty much spot-on and was absolutely terrible, so if that’s the trade-off so be it. To be fair, of course, that line of thinking could end up applying to this new film as a whole). It’s hard to tell where exactly he is, considering he’s clearly not shooting at the moment he could just be in a staff area or something like that, although the one of him without the riot gear seems like it might be from a specific location we got our first look at today — speaking of which, along with these clips we also got a closer look at one of the sets we’ve seen before, and the first look at a fairly obscure but no less classic Resident Evil locale! These photos were all posted by @RoronoaWesker over on Twitter over the last two weeks or so, and I’m just losing it, fam.

First up, we’ve got a new, closer look at the film’s version of Gun Shop Kendo, a classic location from Resident Evil 2 (and now Resident Evil 3 Remake, I guess). The exterior is clearly inspired by the remake version of it (what with the sign and all), but also a smaller store overall, more along the lines of the original 1998 version. We saw this location before, but previously from a distance. This new look is from right up close and I am yet again asking you to understand why I am hype.

We’ve already talked about the Remake inspired sign (as opposed to the classic version), but I’d like to draw special attention to the signage and graffiti. The sign on the door is advertising not just the in-game brand, but the actual in-game artwork for the RE Engine era version of 9mm ammo, Maximum Standard. A really delightful touch. Next, there’s the graffiti right beside the door, scrawling “This too shall pass!!!”, a direct reference to a classic piece of graffiti from the original Resident Evil 2. Each and every new shot includes some new easter egg or recreation that just has me blown away, one by one.

Next, we have another classic Resident Evil 2 location, although this time not so much “recreated” and more “based on”. It’s Emmy’s Diner! While the original location in-game had more of a classic 50s feel to it (appearing in Claire’s opening sequence), this new version is much more humble, with a more local, family-owned look to it. Emmy’s didn’t appear at all in the remake, so it’s a great detail to see appear here. It has me curious as to whether or not we’ll be entering it during the film, I mean I assume so — why set up this decoration to have it only appear in the background of a shot? This feels like something that would be used to establish a scene, like Chris and Claire meet there to catch up, or possibly where Leon is located in the video with the parka.

@RoronoaWesker has a few more shots, including one with the R.P.D. doors open to a green screen, which most likely indicates a transition shot from the exterior facade to the interior sound stage set. I’m so antsy to see the R.P.D. set, or at the very least the shooting location they use (I’ve previously suggested Surrogate’s Courthouse in New York, if they wanted to dress up a real location). There’s also a few video clips of the outbreak we posted about previously in action, along with some day time video of the R.P.D. facade in the snow, which is kinda cool to see. Poor bastards up in Canada already getting snow. 
That’s all for now, but of course, we’ll keep you updated.

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