Resident Evil 6: Rumors & Updates (Update)

Update: Looks like this was all one big lie orchestrated by someone who wanted some attention on the internet. It’s a shame really. A lot of people want Resident Evil 6, and someone took it upon themselves to generate an internet wide rumor. Fret not, kids. Resident Evil 6 is inevitable. We already know that it will be a reboot that will try some very new things, and going back to horror is one of them. All we have to do is wait.

Original Post: This sure has been a spiral of confusion. Kotaku was proven wrong on their claim they made last night of the validity of the teaser trailer. However, the source of the teaser trailer, information, and screens (all now proven fake) were not provided or done by the same person who originally posted the leaked Resident Evil 6 logo taken last July as we reported on. The confusion we experienced came from differing word from Capcom of Japan and Capcom of America. Capcom of Japan confirmed it was real, while Capcom of America confirmed it was fake. What we suspect is that Capcom of Japan assumed what they’re presenting at the Resident Evil 15th Anniversary Panel was leaked early and confirmed it, but then Capcom of America unconfirmed it when they realized what was “leaked” was actually a hoax.

However, the word that EGM got from an anonymous source that the game was, “brutally scary,” and to be revealed in a couple of days seems like he’s legit. In terms of rumors looking legit, the original person who posted the leaked Comic Con Resident Evil 6 logo has posted the image you can see below which does seem real. Gamestop has also updated confirming that there is a surprise guest tomorrow at the Resident Evil 15th Anniversary Panel, as well as surprises in store. This falls in line with the original rumor from the source that leaked the logo two months ago, who’s original leaker is downright stating everything last night was a hoax and the reveal of Resident Evil 6 is tomorrow.

We’ll keep you updated as news on this rather interesting story develops.


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