Latest Deadly Premonition 2 Patch Offers Acceptable Performance Gains

Deadly Premonition 2 Patch

Having launched with unacceptable performance problems last month, Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise now runs … fine.

Patch version 1.03 released over the weekend, and with it comes improvements to the game’s overall performance issues, which consistently brought the framerate down to the twenties and teens at launch. The new patch, while not utterly transformative and a complete cure to the game’s technical issues, brings the sequel’s overall performance roughly in line with that of Deadly Premonition: Origins on the Nintendo Switch.

Indoor framerates have improved slightly from the previous patch, and outdoor scenes play noticeably better, though still not great — with framerates seemingly below 30fps. Also, developer ToyBox added an option to invert the Y camera axis; thank goodness!

Having set Deadly Premonition 2 aside until the framerate was less (personally) nauseating, I’m glad I can now comfortably resume my playthrough of this long-awaited sequel to one of my favorite games of all time. It’s good to see Deadly Premonition 2 receive post-release updates, even if it’s still baffling why ToyBox and publisher Rising Star Games released the game in that state last month. Hopefully, we can look forward to at least one more patch to get the game at a solid 30fps throughout.

As for additional changes to address ongoing criticism toward the game’s treatment of a trans character, series creator Swery stated in an emotional and since-deleted Twitter thread with trans games journalist Laura Kate Dale that no more should be expected. His reasoning is that some of the game’s characters are intentionally not as progressive as many would appreciate by today’s standards. We’ve put in an interview request with Swery to see if we can dive into this topic some more and are awaiting a response.

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