Bah! Digital-only Release For Heavy Rain On PS4 In NA

Sigh. Another day, another game gets stiffed on a physical release in the West. I mean, it’s not that big of an issue, and the future is likely all-digital, but I was still hoping for a really pretty box.

Quantic Dream’s horror/adventure Heavy Rain has been in the works for a re-release on PS4 for a while now; it was even mentioned that purchasing the studio’s most recent release, Beyond: Two Souls on PS4, would get you a discount on this version, but this is the first real news we’ve had about it since. I wouldn’t honestly be even that bothered by the digital-only release if it were worldwide, but nope.

Everywhere else outside of North America gets not only a physical copy as an option, but also access to a bundle that includes Beyond as well. North America is stuck with the digital download. Oh well, we get it at least. I’ll always support a digital release over none at all, it’s just a bummer. The Remasted Heavy Rain drops March 11th of this year.


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