10 Awesome Encounters in DayZ

Below I have accumulated ten DayZ Standalone videos made by players and YouTubers. The standalone may be bare bones right now, but that has not stopped it from already having a bunch of amazing encounters between players. From an honorable fireman to successful revenge quests against bandits, DayZ is filled with interesting characters and stories. Check some them out below.

The following video shows FailSafeYT’s encounter with the Servants of the Dark Lord: a group of individuals that wear Payday masks but no pants.

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This video shows you that Bandits don’t need to be rude when robbing someone. Have some decency, you filthy animal.

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There’s strength in numbers and so is the power to coerce new-players to fight each other to the death. That’s what this group of individuals did. There can be only one Yellow-Jacket Man.

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Even “Respectable” Bandits are not safe from Firefighter Man. He’s not the hero Chernarus needs, but the one that it deserves.

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Friends are your greatest asset in Chernarus.

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The Austin Experience plays the friendly Brit that’s also a little bit rude. This puts in him a variety of awkward situations.

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BikestMan is one of the best DayZ YouTubers. He adopts character personalities for his DayZ videos / streams. You’ll be hard pressed not to chuckle at his antics.

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Ceremor may be easily flustered, but he knows how to stall bandits long enough for his friends to come rescue him.

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SuushiSam gets berated by some little dweeb calling her an “entitled girl-gamer”, so she surprises him with a few well placed jabs. The little jerk got what he deserved.

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Camping Bandit snipers are the worst. Dog the Bandit Hunter takes down two of them with just an axe.

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Bonus: Here’s a quick cut of some of the highlights from my 5 hour play session last night!

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