Move over, Crimson Head, there’s a new super zombie in town

A new BOW has just been revealed for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Said BOW is a parasite referred to as NE  Beta. You can view an image of this creepy looking creature below, and also click here to get a full file on him, written by one Dr. Turner– which comes to us thanks to Inserted Evil. But I’ll just give you a brief sum-up of what’s documented here.

Basically, the NE Beta parasite is a spider-looking creature that lives off of a host. In the case documented in this file, said host was a T-Virus specimen, or quite simply, a zombie. The  zombie was placed in the same room as the parasite to document what sort of reaction it would present. Unfortunately, this led to one decapitated zombie. Then the parasite starting feeding off the hole left on the zombie’s neck, where the head used to be. This feeding then led to the parasite attaching itself to the zombie’s neck, making itself its new head– with actual control over the once life-less body. Thus leading to a parasite-controlled “super zombie.”

But it wasn’t just controlling the zombie, no. It was also making it much stronger, much more resistant to different weapons. After sacrificing many of his scientists to the parasite to see the results, Dr. Turner himself became a victim to this new BOW. But, of course, it came with a positive. His death actually led to the death of this particular parasite as well, as it was left open from behind to point-blank fire right on the parasite itself while it was busy feasting on the good ol’ doc’.

What do you think of this new BOW? I don’t know about you, but I think the Crimson Head now has a run for his money as this new parasite sounds like it’s much more deadly, and hell, it looks creepy as well.


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