Resident Evil Village AMD Raytracing Shown Off

During AMD’s recent RX 6700 XT reveal event, the company showed off some footage of Resident Evil Village utilizing raytracing technology. AMD also talked about the game lineup for their raytracing solution. Among many other titles, Resident Evil Village was also shown.

While we only got to see a few seconds of the anticipated horror title, what was shown was nonetheless quite impressive. Previous teasers have already shown us that the game will be very pretty to look at. The interiors in particular look great.

The new footage shows off three short scenes, with the first being presented as a before and after comparison. While the traditionally rendered version of the scene already looks great, the raytraced reflections and global illumination the raytracing effect offers, give the scenery even more atmosphere, compared to “regular” screen space reflections.

Check out the footage right here:

YouTube video

Without a doubt, many of you will already be wondering if raytracing for Resident Evil Village will only be exclusive to AMD cards or if there will be implementation of the technology that also works on Nvidia’s RTX product line.

While there has been no official confirmation, some have argued that since AMD’s raytracing pipeline is based on open source, getting raytracing support for Nvidia cards is not unlikely. However, until Nvidia makes an announcement, this is only speculation.

Resident Evil Village will launch on May 7th on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Series S, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows.

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