I have to give it to Sony, I had hoped they would make use of their Playstation 2 Classics and it seems they have. Instead of releasing a game that we have all played because it’s immensely popular, they have released a forgotten gem.
Primal, a dark and gothic adventure by SCE Studio Cambridge, is arriving digitally on Playstation Network this week. Primal follows the tale of Jennifer Tate and her mysterious demonic past. Along with sidekick gargoyle Scree, Jen has to traverse through demon worlds utilizing her dormant demon powers.
I believe I actually owned this game as a kid. As soon as I saw this announcement, a sudden wave of memories hit me. After watching some videos online I recalled how dark and atmospheric this game was. It’s a little tongue-in-cheek, but I enjoyed the use of demon powers. Plus, the game has music by 16-Volt. Gotta love that.
Primal releases tomorrow on PSN. Now all Sony needs to do to win my heart is get Playstation 2 Classics on the Vita.