Nicholai and his Creepy Fuckin’ Face Join Resident Evil: Resistance Friday

The second piece of Resident Evil: Resistance DLC was revealed some time ago, as part of a road map running through June of this year and “onwards”, to be Resident Evil 3‘s lead villain — Nicholai Ginovaef. We’ve been waiting ever since to see when he’d be dropping into the fray, and today we finally got an update! Nicholai and his creepy fuckin’ face (no shade on Mark James Hill who seems like a very sweet guy) will be dropping into Resistance this Friday, May 15th as an all-new Mastermind!

We still don’t know much about how Nicholai will play, or even what his B.O.W. will be. Considering that he’s joining into the game as a complement to the previous DLC character, Jill Valentine, I think it’s pretty safe to venture a guess. What I’m most looking forward to, honestly, is Nicholai’s personality as he mocks and torments the poor Survivors. A real highlight for me in Resident Evil: Resistance was just how incredibly charming it was, as both Survivors and Masterminds drip with an excess of personality and silliness. So much so I’ve been creating a series of silly mini-comics centering on the game’s original villain, Daniel Fabron.

All of this said, there’s also still a lot of hope from the Resistance community that the Nicholai update will also include a new patch for the game, as it’s still in dire need of balance adjustments. While some work has been done already, there’s still much more that needs doing before Resistance is at the level of stability it needs for maintaining its userbase. I can only hope that the team over at Neobards is able to keep up their momentum with this title, because I absolutely love it and would hate to see it evaporate in the same way Resident Evil‘s previous multiplayer outings have.

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