Deep Silver addresses fan concerns regarding the Metro franchise

Last week during Gamescom, Deep Silver’s CEO Klemens Kundratitz told joystiq that they were looking to broaden the appeal of the Metro series. Many fans took this as a sign of future installments in the series to be dumbed down and made a much more shallow experience.

Well Huw Beynon, Global Brand Manager at Deep Silver issued a statement regarding the future of the franchise this week:

“We understand the concern, and we would like to reassure the Metro fanbase that Deep Silver has absolutely no intention of compromising Metro’s unique DNA. We completely understand that it is the passion and evangelism of our fans that allowed Metro to grow from a cult hit to genuine, bonafide hit.

Whatever direction a new Metro game takes (and we are still assembling the drawing boards), it will build on the bleak, post apocalyptic pillars of atmosphere, immersion, challenge and depth that sets this franchise apart from the crowd.

However, Deep Silver will  seek to make the world of Metro more accessible to a broader audience – through a commitment to ever higher product quality; through greater strategic investment in the brand; and, in the immediate term, through the release of dedicated Mac and Linux versions of Metro: Last Light. This is just the first stage of a broader initiative to bring Metro to a wider audience, without compromising the product’s strengths.

Metro is a pulsating, radioactive gem in Deep Silver’s crown of rotting zombie flesh, and we believe we can build on the success of Metro: Last Light by doubling down on our unique brand of bleak, Russian, post apocalyptic horror.”

Several franchises in the past like Resident Evil and Dead Space were victims of their respective owners “broadening the appeal” in order to sell more units. So it’s understandable that Metro fans are concerned about the statement from last week. Thankfully it looks like Deep Silver is committed to leaving Metro just as it is, hopefully they stay true to their word.


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