The newest issue of Official Nintendo Magazine (ONM) hit store shelves today in Europe, and while there is no real big news there are a few snippets of it for the title. First they confirm that every single playable character from Resident Evil 4’s and 5’s Mercenaries modes are playable in the game (in case you’re not aware, this includes Leon, Ada, Krauser, HUNK, Wesker, Chris, Jill, and Sheva and while we’re not sure if this includes the Mercenaries Reunion characters we do know that Barry and Rebecca are in so Josh and Excella could be as well), as well as the stages in the game being the Eight Mercenaries stages from RE5 and the Four Mercenaries stages from RE4. This will be included with some more hidden characters who have not previously been in Mercenaries (like Claire Redfield), new Game Modes, and some new alternate costumes for the characters (in Mercenaries style having a different weapon set). A smaller but still fine detail is the mention that the RE4 stages may have been made more like the RE5 Mercenaries stages with the different time crystals and more enemies as well as some graphical face-lifts.
To read the whole article, check out OMN on store shelves now.