Just like that mysterious rash you caught at Spring break, a new trailer for Deep Silver’s Dead Island Riptide has reached the surface to pester your nether regions. The trailer shows off the introduction of the new playable character, John Morgan. John came to the island the help people during the zombie outbreak, but it looks like he’s in the same boat as the other playable characters. Get it? Boat? Islands?!
I’m quite impressed by the gameplay footage of this trailer. It truly looks like Dead Island Riptide will have the polished gameplay I had expected from the first game. The original Dead Island is pretty clunky and not that easy to feel comfortable playing. Just by looking at this trailer, it appears the game will play and flow much akin to something more polished. Which is good! I saw a lot of potential in the first game’s ideas, but its technical faults and quirks held it back. Perhaps we’ll even seen a boost in the narrative quality; I can only hope!
Dead Island Riptide releases on April 23rd for Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3.