E3: DmC’s new trailer shows that Dante is quite the hard-nosed punk

A new E3 2012 trailer was revealed today for the new installment to the Devil May Cry series, DmC.
Seen as a new twist on the popular franchise, or a reboot if you will, it will follow a newly designed Dante as he deals with supernatural powers and his demon-hunting abilities in the dreary Limbo City.

In this new trailer, we see a representative from a mysterious masked group known only as “The Order”, directing a threat towards all demons, and insist that the game is changed, with their new weapon, assumed to be Dante. Now does this connection mean that Dante is working with “The Order” to take out the demons that haunt Limbo City? Or is there an even darker role “The Order” plays?

As the trailer progresses, we are again introduced to Dante, who appears to be a little rough-around-the-edges and sporting a very punky, bad-ass attitude. He’s not about to take anyone’s shit, and his dialogue is almost reminiscent of the Scout from Team Fortress 2, if its safe to make that comparison.

You can bet there will be more to this game as E3 continues all this week. The game is set for release in the new year, on January 15th, 2013.

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