Bioshock 2 PC users won’t be receiving ‘Minerva’s Den’ or ‘Protector’s Trials’

PC users are a lucky bunch, especially those with a Steam account. Proof? Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 being offered for an extremely low price and on top of that, all the DLC included for free. But as the title implies, this is about Bioshock.

Well, it seems like it’s not all unicorns and rainbows for those PC gamers. This will definitely take a hit on those Bioshock 2 PC owners who’ve been wondering when they’ll be getting ‘Minerva’s Den’ and/or ‘Protector’s Trials’. The answer is: never. Not for the time being at least, judging by the below  quote from the senior manager for 2K games’ interactive marketing division:

“We will also not be offering ‘Protector Trials’ and ‘Minerva’s Den’ on the PC in the future — and I want to say that I’m sorry for the disappointment this will cause to PC players out there. As always, if any of these issues change in the future, I will update you guys first, but at this point in time I don’t want to make you wait any longer and these are the most definite answers I have and you guys should deem them final decisions.”



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