Top 5 Horror Games to be ported on the NGP

While keeping track of the Sony Tokyo Conference, I can’t help but notice a lot of ports being showed off in Sony’s next-gen device, the Next Generation Portable aka NGP. Although I’m hoping to see a LOT of new exclusive, I couldn’t help but think of the possible horror game ports and oh boy, the possibilities are exciting.

Top 5 Horror Games to be ported on the NGP:

5. Dead Space

Dead Space being ported in the NGP wouldn’t surprise me at all. The Dead Space game on the Iphone and Ipod Touch did fairly well and the same could be said if the original game should be ported on this powerful device. Seen as the new RE4 of this generation, Dead Space is sure in the running to be ported on Sony’s new little beast.

4. Resident Evil 4 and 5 (tie)

Surprise, surprise. Seeing how Uncharted and Killzone looked good in the NGP, why not Resident Evil 5? The 3G and wi-fi could be utilized very well for the co-op mode. Imagine playing mercenaries or even versus mode on the go with the motion control and touch pads–sounds win-win to me. Resident Evil 4 was ported in so many devices, so an NGP port would not surprise me at all, I can even smell it right now.

3. Silent Hill Shattered Memories

I know Shattered Memories was already ported in the PSP, but why not the NGP? I would give you a good reason, remember the interactive parts in the game where you move objects, or whenever you make use of the camera on Harry’s phone? Well the NGP has six-axis support, front and rear touch pads, as well as front and rear cameras.

2. Fatal Frame IV

Speaking of the built-in cameras on the NGP, I think Fatal Frame IV would be the perfect game to port at this time. I could already see how fun would it be to be finally able to play this game, and play it on the go, and actually using the handheld’s camera. Could we finally see a North American release of this game? Cross fingers to that.

And the game that truly deserves a port on the NGP:

1. Heavy Rain

Why a port? Touch pad, check. Six-axis check. Two analog sticks, check. Without a doubt, Heavy Rain will be playable and to take it to the next level, why not continue working on those Heavy Rain Chronicles DLCs for the NGP. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Honorable Mention: Siren: Blood Curse

Reason: The possibility of using the NGP’s camera for Sight-jacking mode!

Well that’s it folks! Hope you also read our recent article about Sony’s new handheld which you can view HERE, to fill you in with all the important details you need to know about the NGP.

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