7 Reasons Why the Bakers Need to be in Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

Welcome to the family, son.

I’ve been so stoked since the announcement of Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite, the upcoming fourth installment in the classic 2D fighting series that pits our favorite heroes and villains from the annals of Marvel comics (Iron Man, Captain America, M.O.D.O.K., Dr. Doom) against the same ilk from Capcom’s library of games (Mike Haggar, Phoenix Wright, Firebrand, NEMESIS). Seeing what new characters enter the fray this time around has been on my mind since it’s announcement last December; fingers crossed for first appearances from DareDevil, Franziska VonKarma, Power Man, and maybe… just maybe… The Bakers.

Yeah, Jack, Marguerite, and Lucas Baker would make excellent additions to MvC‘s lineup in my opinion. The infected family that stalks us throughout Resident Evil 7 are iconic now, with many fans listing them among some of their favorite RE monsters ever. They’re timely, popular, and have at least 7 other awesome reasons to go head to head with our favorite heroes and villains on the fighting room floor (minor boss spoilers ahead):

#1 – They’re funny 

#2 – They have so many awesome powers

#3 – They have tons of memorable lines to say in gameplay

#4 – We need to see an official version of this image


#5 – Imagine the Hyper Combos!

#6 – Jack has awesome weapons at his disposal

#7 –A chance to have Chris Redfield and the Bakers in the same game!

Ball is in your court, Capcom! I’m hoping you’ll take the Bakers on a wild ride!

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