Ninja Theory has been receiving death threats over DMC

Listen, freedom of speech is a wonderful right to have. But just because you have the right to say anything doesn’t mean you can’t be held responsible for it. Death threats may be a way for those with pent-up rage to try and express their anger or frustration even if they don’t really mean the death part, but it is a crime to threaten somebody with death or bodily harm. Unfortunately unsurprising however, it seems Ninja Theory has been on the back-end of death threats ranging from your typical angry emails, to more creative methods such as a death threat in comic form, or an expression of hate over Dante’s new design through a heavy metal song.

The moment I saw the new Dante design over a year ago at the Tokyo Game Show, I and many others knew a shitstorm was brewing. If there’s one thing that the internet has taught us, fans by majority hate change and will exaggerate an issue ten-fold if given a chance. Now I’m not claiming to be the biggest fan of the new Dante either, nor am I going to claim I know how great or terrible this game is going to be, and I’m not going to make a rant about how people use internet anonymity to commit nasty or sad things they would never do in real life. But it’s interesting how worked up people can get over such trivial things, and how something as fantastic as passion can lead many over the edge into irresponsibility.

You can read the developers full thoughts on the death threats and some interesting stories in the source below.


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