Eternal Darkness
Trailer Drops for 2D Survival Horror Title ‘Edge Of Sanity’
Roland Thaler - September 6, 2023
Go to the Edge of Sanity and beyond in this new 2D survival horror game.Generations Of Horror: The Golden Age 1999-2005
Steve Summers - August 1, 2021
The Golden Age of horror gaming is born!Dennis Dyack resurrects Shadow of the Eternals, but there’s some skepticism to be had
October Keegan - May 24, 2016
The darkness here is almost eternal.Eternal Darkness trademark eternally in the dark?
Zack Furniss - June 26, 2014
PARGON PARGON TRADEMARK EXTENSION PARGON PARGON.Nintendo files for reapplication of Eternal Darkness trademark
Kyle Campbell - July 28, 2013
Sanity's Redemption.All crowdfunding pages for Shadow Of The Eternals to be taken down
Kyle Campbell - June 4, 2013
Against.Denis Dyack responds to mismanagement allegations at Silicon Knights
Kyle Campbell - May 20, 2013
For or against?Shadow of the Eternals moves crowdfunding campaign to Kickstarter
Kyle Campbell - May 14, 2013
Are you for or against Shadow of the Eternals?9-Minutes of gameplay from Shadow of the Eternals
Ryan Stanford - May 6, 2013
Take a look at the spiritual sequel to Eternal Darkness before you fund it.Shadow of the Eternals crowd-funding goes live
Ryan Stanford - May 6, 2013
Darkness that spans several generations needs your help for crowd-funding. New info on the spiritual sequel to Eternal Darkness.Creators of Eternal Darkness working on spiritual successor? (Update: details surface)
CJ Melendez - May 3, 2013
Insane Kickstarters!The Eternal Darkness trademark has been extended
Tarrah Rivard - March 17, 2013
Could the Wii-U see the next installment?17 Obscure Horror Games We Recommend
Ryan Stanford - April 28, 2011
Wanted to know some horror titles that deserve more attention? Well we got some for you.Rumor Time: Eternal Darkness 2 Being Developed By Retro Studios
Jorge Bocanegra - April 20, 2011
Let's hope this ends up true.10 horror games you should be playing this season (Games4Guys)
Jorge Bocanegra - October 21, 2010
It's that time of year.